2010 Dallas Koi Kichi Group
8th Annual Koi Show Results


Grand Champion - Ryan, Kohaku - Size 7
Reserve Chanmpion - Jason and May, Showa - Size 7
Grand Champion B - Tom, Asagi/Shusui - Size 8
Mature Champion - Tom and Jennifer, Sanke - Size 7
Adult Champion - Bob, Kohaku - Size 5
Young Champion - Raymie and son Tom, Doitsu A - Size 4
Baby Champion - Briana, Doitsu B - Size 2
Most Unique - Tom and Jennifer, Kawarigoi - Size 6
Best Tategoi - Tom and Jennifer, Sanke - Size 7
Best Male - Carol, Sanke - Size 5
Best Novice - Vicki, Kohaku - Size 2
AKCA Award - Raymie and son Tom, Doitsu A - Size 4
People's Choice - Mac, Longfin Non-Gosanke
President's Award - John, Kawarigoi - Size 4
Show Chair's Award - Raymie and son Tom, Kohaku - Size 3
Texas Koi and Fancy Goldfish Society - Briana, Doitus B - Size 2
World Wide Koi Club - Michael, Gin Rin B - Size 3
World Wide Koi Club Longfin - Vicki, Longfin Non-Gosanke
Vietman ZNA - Tom and Jennifer, Tancho - Size 5
Northwest Koi and Goldfish Club - Briana, Doitsu B - Size 2
IKONA Koi Club - Arley and Dick, Gin Rin B - Size 5
Judges Award - Mac, Doitsu B - Size 4
Southern Arizonia Koi Assoiciation - John, Showa - Size 2

Longfin Grand Champion A - Carol, Longfin Non-Gosanke
Longfin Grand Champion B - Raymie and son Tom, Longfin Non-Gosanke
Longfin Young Champion - Arley and Dick, Longfin Non-Gosanke


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